Skeleton Rising

Halloween Decorations WANTED including

Costumes, props, string lights, black lights, fog machines, Halloween decorations, EZ Up Canopy Tents, Digital/Gaming Projectors, CD players & Speakers

   Haunted Trail Fire  

PRESS RELEASE   10.06.2023

The 2023 Haunted Trail endured a major setback this year (2023) when the shed that all the props were being stored in burned to the ground just a week before the event was to be held. While some of the larger trail structures had already been moved out and set up, the majority of the masks, costumes, lighting, and decorations were lost in the fire. Enough props were salvaged to still spook spectators so The Haunted Trail will still be held as planned on Friday the 13th of October and Saturday, October 14, 2023 from 7-10 p.m. each evening at the Sawmill Creek Park in Paradise. New sites will be featured including the Scarey Scarecrow Farm, Jack Frosts revenge, and plenty of Friday the 13th reminders.

**Donations are being sought from the community and any trail goers this year to help restore the supply of Halloween decorations lost . This will help make next year’s trail even bigger and better. Donations of Halloween supplies can be left in the Donation Bin at Sawmill Creek Park under the pavilion. Monetary donations can be mailed to the Paradise Area Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 82, Paradise, MI 49768 or by donating online at: Haunted Trail Fire Donations

Copyright @ 2011 - 2023 Paradise Area Chamber of Commerce - All Rights Reserved. 10.07.2023

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